Nur Muhammad

Results 13 issues of Nur Muhammad

Hi, nice to found this awesome library. I was used this package for my project to converting a PDF file version to 1.4 if the origin file has version above...

Sorry I can' found the documentation. How can we change the loading style? Thanks in advance

Hi, nice to found this awesome template. I try to use Bootstrap Modal, but found something wrong with the style. So, I trying to update Bootstrap version to 4.5.2, but...

Hi, thanks for this awesome works. I just trying to listen for month changes as the given example, but the event not firing when using cdn version. Here is the...

From this endpoint, can we get the surah list name in another language (edition)? For example, in my language (Indonesian) 1. Al-Faatiha = Al-Fatihah 2. Al-Baqara = Al-Baqarah 3....

I use Vite and when trying to change some attributes for the icon, the page must be reloaded to get the changes. Here is the example: ```html ``` And when...

I just follow the instructions, but got the wrong result. Here is my code to extract the data ```js const tajweedRules = require("./tajweed.hafs.uthmani-pause-sajdah.json"); const rules = tajweedRules[8].annotations; // 2:2 const...

Is it possible to change font size when using TemplateProcessor? I was try to do this, but not working. ```php $template = new PhpOffice\PhpWord\TemplateProcessor('template.docx'); $template->setValues([ 'name' => 'Nur Muhammad', 'country'...


I can't found how to change MapViewType (satellite, hybrid, etc.), is it possible?

Thank you for this awesome work. Just trying to follow the documentation by `copying & paste` and got an error. ```sh This dependency was not found: * Vue in ./src/plugins/vue-resize-text.js...