smrnaseq copied to clipboard
HTTP 404 NOT FOUND for channel conda-base <>
Description of the bug
Hi! I've been trying to run the latest version of this pipeline: 2.3.1 using conda and I encountered this error:
Caused by:
Failed to create Conda environment
command: conda create --mkdir --yes --quiet --prefix /net/ mirtop=0.4.25 bioconda::samtools=1.15.1 conda-base::r-base=4.1.1 conda-base::r-data.table=1.14.2
status : 1
- defaults
- bioconda
- conda-base
Platform: linux-64
Collecting package metadata (repodata.json): ...working... failed
UnavailableInvalidChannel: HTTP 404 NOT FOUND for channel conda-base <>
The channel is not accessible or is invalid.
You will need to adjust your conda configuration to proceed.
Use `conda config --show channels` to view your configuration's current state,
and use `conda config --show-sources` to view config file locations.
I asked at conda's Github and was suggested to change conda-base
to conda-forge
instead. How can I do this?
Command used and terminal output
nextflow run nf-core/smrnaseq -r 2.3.1 \
-profile conda \
--input 'small_PB.csv' \
--fasta Mus_musculus.GRCm39.dna.toplevel.fa \
--mirtrace_species 'mmu' \
--mirna_gtf mmu.gff3 \
--hairpin hairpin.fa \
--mature mature.fa \
--protocol 'illumina' \
--outdir v23 \
Relevant files
System information
No response
Hi @karlaarz, thanks for reporting! Could you give it another try with the dev
Hi @christopher-mohr, sorry for my late response. I tried with the dev branch, and the conda problem is solved now, however, I encountered another error:
Caused by:
Process `NFCORE_SMRNASEQ:MIRNA_QUANT:MIRTOP_QUANT` terminated with an error exit status (1)
Command executed:
#Cleanup the GTF if mirbase html form is broken
sed 's/>/>/g' $GTF | sed 's#
#\n#g' | sed 's#
##g' | sed 's#
##g' | sed -e :a -e '/^\n*$/{$d;N;};/\n$/ba' > ${GTF}_html_cleaned.gtf
mirtop gff --hairpin hairpin.fa_igenome.fa_idx.fa --gtf ${GTF}_html_cleaned.gtf -o mirtop --sps mmu ./bams/*
mirtop counts --hairpin hairpin.fa_igenome.fa_idx.fa --gtf ${GTF}_html_cleaned.gtf -o mirtop --sps mmu --add-extra --gff mirtop/mirtop.gff
mirtop export --format isomir --hairpin hairpin.fa_igenome.fa_idx.fa --gtf ${GTF}_html_cleaned.gtf --sps mmu -o mirtop mirtop/mirtop.gff
mirtop stats mirtop/mirtop.gff --out mirtop/stats
mv mirtop/stats/mirtop_stats.log mirtop/stats/full_mirtop_stats.log
cat <<-END_VERSIONS > versions.yml
mirtop: $(echo $(mirtop --version 2>&1) | sed 's/^.*mirtop //')
Command exit status:
Command output:
Command error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/net/", line 6, in
from mirtop.command_line import main
File "/net/", line 8, in
from mirtop.gff import reader
File "/net/", line 7, in
from mirtop.bam.bam import read_bam
File "/net/", line 7, in
import pysam
File "/net/", line 5, in
from pysam.libchtslib import *
ImportError: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
Work dir:
Tip: you can try to figure out what's wrong by changing to the process work dir and showing the script file named ``
Thanks for your help!
I also tried adding the database argument in the config file (, but I still got the same error.
process {
withName: 'MIRTOP_QUANT' {
ext.args = "--database miRBase"
What type of FS is behind this? /net/
that looks a bit like a smb/nfs network mount. Also the error suggests that something is missing in your environment. Can you try running with singularity or docker? Conda is sometimes problematic...
Hi @christopher-mohr, sorry for my late response. I tried with the dev branch, and the conda problem is solved now, however, I encountered another error:
Error executing process > 'NFCORE_SMRNASEQ:MIRNA_QUANT:MIRTOP_QUANT' Caused by: Process `NFCORE_SMRNASEQ:MIRNA_QUANT:MIRTOP_QUANT` terminated with an error exit status (1) Command executed: #Cleanup the GTF if mirbase html form is broken GTF="mmu.gff3" sed 's/>/>/g' $GTF | sed 's# #\n#g' | sed 's# ##g' | sed 's# ##g' | sed -e :a -e '/^\n*$/{$d;N;};/\n$/ba' > ${GTF}_html_cleaned.gtf mirtop gff --hairpin hairpin.fa_igenome.fa_idx.fa --gtf ${GTF}_html_cleaned.gtf -o mirtop --sps mmu ./bams/* mirtop counts --hairpin hairpin.fa_igenome.fa_idx.fa --gtf ${GTF}_html_cleaned.gtf -o mirtop --sps mmu --add-extra --gff mirtop/mirtop.gff mirtop export --format isomir --hairpin hairpin.fa_igenome.fa_idx.fa --gtf ${GTF}_html_cleaned.gtf --sps mmu -o mirtop mirtop/mirtop.gff mirtop stats mirtop/mirtop.gff --out mirtop/stats mv mirtop/stats/mirtop_stats.log mirtop/stats/full_mirtop_stats.log cat <<-END_VERSIONS > versions.yml "NFCORE_SMRNASEQ:MIRNA_QUANT:MIRTOP_QUANT": mirtop: $(echo $(mirtop --version 2>&1) | sed 's/^.*mirtop //') END_VERSIONS Command exit status: 1 Command output: (empty) Command error: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/net/", line 6, in from mirtop.command_line import main File "/net/", line 8, in from mirtop.gff import reader File "/net/", line 7, in from mirtop.bam.bam import read_bam File "/net/", line 7, in import pysam File "/net/", line 5, in from pysam.libchtslib import * ImportError: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory Work dir: /net/ Tip: you can try to figure out what's wrong by changing to the process work dir and showing the script file named ``
Thanks for your help!
I can reproduce the issue on GitPod. Looks like something might be wrong with the conda package, more specificially pysam
As @apeltzer suggested, if possible it would be better to use singularity or docker for now.
I will still try to fix the issue with conda. It might help to use a more recent python version.
Thanks, @christopher-mohr and @apeltzer, for your replies. I updated my Python version, but is still the same error.
The /net/
is because I'm working on an HPC cluster. I've tried using singularity and setting up the environment variables in my bash profile according to the cluster manage:
export NXF_SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR="/home/tigem/k.ruiz/paola/small/sing"
export SINGULARITY_CACHEDIR="/home/tigem/k.ruiz/paola/small/sing"
export SINGULARITY_TMPDIR="/home/tigem/k.ruiz/paola/small/sing"
But I get this error:
Caused by:
Failed to pull singularity image
command: singularity pull --name > /dev/null
status : 255
ERROR: pull is only supported for shub URIs
I completely cleared the ~/.singularity
directory and ran it again, but it still does not work; I have almost 500GB of free space, so definitely is not problem of space.
What is your singularity version?
It is singularity-ce version 4.0.3
Thanks, @christopher-mohr and @apeltzer, for your replies. I updated my Python version, but is still the same error.
Sorry @karlaarz, I should have been more precise. I meant the Python version in the conda env. I changed it accordingly and ran a test succesfully. Could you please try it again with the updated dev
Hi @christopher-mohr, yes, the Python's version of my conda is the 3.12.3. I tried it again but still got the same error.
Hi @christopher-mohr, yes, the Python's version of my conda is the 3.12.3. I tried it again but still got the same error.
Hi @karlaarz, did you run the following before re-running the pipeline?
nextflow pull nf-core/smrnaseq -r dev
Hi @christopher-mohr , you are right! After I did nextflow pull nf-core/smrnaseq -r dev
, the pipeline ended correctly. Thanks a lot :D
Hi @christopher-mohr , you are right! After I did
nextflow pull nf-core/smrnaseq -r dev
, the pipeline ended correctly. Thanks a lot :D
Nice to hear! :) I would then close this issue. Thanks again for reporting! If you want to follow-up on your Singularity issue I would suggest to post it on Slack.