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Feature request: output search results after protein inference and filtering
Description of feature
In the DDA/label-free workflow (perhaps in others as well), it would be useful to get an output of the identification results at the end of the search/inference/filtering pipeline, but before quantification. This would help for QC-purposes and to get a fuller understanding of the data on the ID level.
Currently the latest "ID-only" output is in the "idfilter" directory, containing results after database search, rescoring, (consensus ID, if applicable) and filtering according to "psm_pep_fdr_cutoff" - but before protein inference and protein-level filtering ("protein_level_fdr_cutoff"). Later outputs (after ProteomicsLFQ) only contain results for quantified IDs - omitting those that were identified, but never quantified. (Is that correct?)
Yes, correct. However, this would need to be done inside ProteomicsLFQ. So you would need to raise an issue at OpenMS and link it here.