modules copied to clipboard
Come up with a standard & documentation on subworkflows
- Installing subworkflows with tools: Get a list of modules that need to be installed (how to find them) -> tools needs to install missing modules in pipeline/repo -> install subworkflow (tools command needed, probably once the new people join Seqera/QBiC (next few months))
- Testing subworkflows
- [ ]
Notes from yesterday (per @lescai):
- input file format
- Most frequent input format(s) is/are included (if several, alphabetical order) (updated at 5:30)
- make sure it is in yml tags, i.e. can be search on website
- subworkflow should support all possible file types supported by the tool
- review to make sure same input format is chosen across subworkflows for consistency
- operation(s): no specific ordering guideline
- The operation should describe as best as possible the sub-workflow task
- Need to come up with an onthology for similar operation with different names i.e. 'align' for 'Mapping' and 'alignemnt'
- tool name(s): alphabetical ordering, each tools once
- tool name (i.e. samtools) and not function (i.e. samtools sort) is used
- If several tools are used in the subworkflow, the tool name(s) should be ordered as used in the subworkflow and separated by underscores
- review to pick up potential issues with identical names referring to different tool functions used
- All lower case