Harald Nezbeda
Harald Nezbeda
PR has been updated to the current `master`
Great idea :+1:, we could extend this by implementing a custom throttle class https://www.django-rest-framework.org/api-guide/throttling/
The library is running tests also against Django 3.2, so there should be no direct issue. Can you provide some details about the deprecation warnings you receive? We should cover...
Thanks :+1: You should have no Issue as all the deprecations are related to the next major Django release :wink:
Should be fixed in [1.3.0](https://github.com/anexia-it/django-rest-passwordreset/releases/tag/1.3.0)
Thanks for the detailed description :+1:, this is indeed something that can cause problems. We intend to go ahead and use a custom lookup (https://github.com/anexia-it/django-rest-passwordreset/pull/93) field in future, so we...
The module has currently 3 migrations: https://github.com/anexia-it/django-rest-passwordreset/tree/master/django_rest_passwordreset/migrations Do you use a fork of the module?
Relates to https://github.com/anexia-it/django-rest-passwordreset/issues/141
Hi @nittolese, Thanks for your contribution and sorry it took so long. Of course you don't need to be authenticated :smile: There are no `permission_classes` defined, so I can only...
Hey @nittolese, I'm not able to reproduce this in a test, but at the same time I see no reason why we should allow any `authentication_classes` at this stage in...