Is this the same issue as #182? In my case the error message mentioned here is the same I had with the issue described in #182. Updateing gpg to 2.2.19...
Same issue here with Firefox 86 on Ubuntu 20.04 with gnome and X11. Tried the workaround with `export $(dbus-launch)` leading to the same results @bendk had. When debugging the extension...
I found another "workaround" that avoids the long delay coming with the modified wrapper script. According to the statement on that firefox has issues with pinentry-gnome3, I compiled and...
I extendend this functionality to cover lists and maps of custom types, even allowing for collection converters whose target is not a collection. Being not so restrictive leaved more options...
I guess that having this repo is not the problem, as long as the sources allow redistribution and are mentioned together with the copyright notices ant their licenses. One benefit...
If that's the case then the copyright notice has been removed when importing these model into this library which is a copy right law violation I think. It says that...
@fedorkotov Good point. Unfortunately I already posted a pull request where I manually fixed some models, but only syntactically. They probably don't work for simulation. If i had read this...
Can you post you compile output when you simply compile with `make` or `make all`?
I have the same problem in combination with DmfsTaskLists and the Decks app on nextcloud. Decks provides read only calendar with tasks that is recognized as read only in davx5....