Results 38 comments of nextgenthemes

Check out for the exact fonts Google serves to modern browsers. It will probably fix it but example links would be great anyway.

This could be with the website of this tool or the fact that it downloads outdated fonts. If it's just an issue with the website the issue could be gone...

You should give a little more info and an example link of what you are doing. I noticed that browsers will server the different weight than the one specified when...

Hi guys, I created a download tool in PHP that works on the server and as a CLI script. It supports `display=swap`. See [](

Hi guys, I created a download tool in PHP that works on the server and as a CLI script. It supports `display=swap` and also packages the css exactly like google...

Update: Also, I get the concept better now, and this amazing extension actually makes me really use workspaces for the first time. But I would still like the tray moved....

Oh that's cool. But how is this a narrow use case? Do you know all your post IDs on the top of your head? I do not think the creation...

OK that's also cool to know, even though the `wp list` solution is better and basically what I wanted in complicated. I still no not think this case is narrow....

`wp post meta` would be another case I think is everything but narrow. Adding a custom data to a page/post that already exists and things like this would be easier...

@lekoala > What's really sad is that all you need really is to have a fill="currentColor" on the path and everything works just fine most of the time. What you...