Results 38 comments of nextgenthemes

@rahularyan I was actually thinking of native core WordPress filter. I doubt the plugins I used hook directly into Anspress own filter you linked above and manipulate something. I had...

I am on KDE and X no not Wayland. But he required GTK libs should all be installed not sure if that matters. Moved some files where tags cound not...

I think that should be supported. I did a test install of Manjaro Linux some time ago, they use as a installer, its a universal Linux installer not specific...

I looked at the PHP integration, am I right to assume what is done with redis there could be done with the $wpdb mysql backend for wordpress as well? They...

So this has no CLI options at all. Is there a config file it reads? No docs, nothing. Hours of searching for something as simple as running some super basic...

Why? I think base64 make the encoded files actually bigger and in an HTTP/2 world you do not need to care about saving http requests.

With `display: swap` the browser gives fonts a very short time to load the fonts. I do not think FOUC is really an issue nowadays. Also, if you bloat up...

That is actually a pretty good used case, not thought about that. But the link you posted does it already perfectly no? // well, it actually has a bug...

Here you go, added it to my [Google Webfont Downloader]( However, base64 blows up the size to almost double.