Newton Munene

Results 7 issues of Newton Munene

Getting error With Ionic 4. `Uncaught TypeError: success is not a function at /plugins/cordova-plugin-photo-library/www/PhotoLibrary.js:44 at handlePhotoURL (/plugins/cordova-plugin-photo-library/www/PhotoLibrary.js:347) at Object.photoLibrary.getPhotoURL (/plugins/cordova-plugin-photo-library/www/PhotoLibrary.js:156) at handleThumbnailURL (/plugins/cordova-plugin-photo-library/www/PhotoLibrary.js:353) at Object.photoLibrary.getThumbnailURL (/plugins/cordova-plugin-photo-library/www/PhotoLibrary.js:126) at addUrlsToLibrary (/plugins/cordova-plugin-photo-library/www/PhotoLibrary.js:361) at...

When using the API directly you can set `sessionEntityTypes` to add session entities to the fulfillment. I haven't found a way to do this using `dialogflow-fulfillment`

Library doesn't import Constants class. Had to create my own 'DROID_LOGO' string.

This pull request adds the `CreateIndex` method to the migrator interface. This method was previously missing and allows one to explicitly create an index on an existing table.

This pull request adds the `GetIndexes()` method to the `Migrator` interface/struct. Currently calling this method returns an error "not support" as it is not implemented, please see `GetIndexes` retrieves...


Fixed `@polymer/lit-element` warning.