Newmips Team
Newmips Team
Adding lines ``` # DROP TABLE /^.*(DROP.*TABLE|drop.*table)/ { print next } ``` Just after function "bit_to_int" worked for me
OK Noted. Will be fixed soon.
Non, mais il est possible de configurer le "lengthMenu" du jquery.dataTable.js (aux alentours de la ligne 7940) pour modifier ces valeurs.
Assigned to @EoiFirst Thx
_ > When I choose a Contract, I want to display only the active contracts. Is this possible ? _ What do you mean ?
Until then, nothing wrong. First column of data lists displays "translate(id)+ ' ' + translate(name_of_entity)". If you need to change this, simply edit "list_fields.dust" page
That's default behavior. We do not plan to change this.
He can edit page and arrange things like he wants. What do you want more ?
Edit "field_list.dust" and add a new entry th pointing on "r_office"
We have not planned to replace you Alain ;-) You can do things in right order, and add field Office on Employee so that it is displayed in list.