Matthias Huttar
Matthias Huttar
Hi, thanks a lot for the great plugin! I believe I found an issue with OpenJDK 10 on Ubuntu/Debian, where the plugin will fail to work correctly claiming that lombok...
Hi Everyone, When I try to validate a date to be between two values, I get an error, saying that _yesterday cannot be less than tomorrow for validation_ According to...
It would be great if athena would provide first–class docker-compose support to allow for a better startup of more complex environment (e.g. in an integration test, when mySQL and ElasticSearch...
Hi Everyone, I came to notice, that the current Java Client is not thread safe for a couple of reasons: * It uses classes that do not support concurrency and...
hi guys, maybe you do have an idea: I have a rather big release (150mb, gzipped with max compression). If I upload it from the shell via SCP, I get...