Clemens Schmid

Results 30 comments of Clemens Schmid

I fear we don't have this information in the broad datasets available via this package. I'm honestly surprised that age-by-year information is publicly available. I thought these details are omitted...

@stschiff already observed a similar issue last week. Has solved itself overnight. Maybe we have to switch to the alternative download option eventually, but for now I suggest to wait...

So right now it seems to work again: ``` > rki_timeseries unique(rki_timeseries$Bundesland) [1] "Brandenburg" "Bayern" [3] "Niedersachsen" "Nordrhein-Westfalen" [5] "Baden-Württemberg" "Saarland" [7] "Rheinland-Pfalz" "Schleswig-Holstein" [9] "Hessen" "Hamburg" [11] "Bremen" "Sachsen"...

Hm - can't confirm right now. Seems to work again. But I get the feeling this download feature breaks multiple times a day. Maybe it's because the file grew to...

I merged #34 now to permanently enable the download from the alternative source. This seems to be more reliable.

Oh - maybe the data structure provided by the RKI changed yet again? Please show me your code. Maybe I can figure out where the problem might be coming from

There are multiple ways to calculate the number of new cases and the RKI updates their dataset for past days as well. It's a pretty confusing dataset, honestly. If you...

Ha - I think understand it now. This sentence from the german version of the [daily RKI report]( is crucial: > Die Differenz zum Vortag bezieht sich auf Fälle, die...

Alright - good that you did this test. For the cumulative number you have to consider the encoding in the `NeuerFall` column. Maybe this causes the difference between your code...

I also ran into that. R 4.2.1 on Ubuntu 18.04.6.