Same thing for me using Chrome 104.0.5112.79 (Official Build) (64-bit) and TMS v7.1.6.2 on Windows. When I select any of the "..." tabs, the main window is just a completely...
> Easy fix without installing or removing anything is: > > 1. click once on a blank page and wait, (this will restore it to be clicked on as usual)....
This just happened to me as well. Please tell me there's a different workaround since my last valid session doesn't appear to be up-to-date as Chrome crashed today and didn't...
YES PLEASE!!! I went searching to see how I can do this and found so many topics on multiple different forums asking about this exact thing. Then I saw this...
Thank you for the explanation. Is there anyway the option to choose "saving an autorecover file" could still be implemented without causing the flickering issue? I really liked this option...
> I'd also like to know how to trigger setProMode(); Any advice is greatly appreciated. Thanks