Dmitry Vlasov
Dmitry Vlasov
I use [angular-loading-bar]( and I need to set the following into $http config for disabling one request. `$http.get('/status', { ignoreLoadingBar: true });` Is it possible with `$auth.updateAccount(user);`?
Hello Eran. How I can set edit mode for tag on one click? Not on double.
I added variants to my model's paperclip config and encountered a problem when re-uploading images. Original was uploaded as expected, but variants were uploaded with incorrect extension (from previous version)....
I'm getting an error with RVM. ` ==> rails-dvlasov: TASK [ruby : Install rvm] ****************************************************** ==> rails-dvlasov: fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": true, "cmd": ["/tmp/", "stable", "--path", "/home//.rvm", "--auto-dotfiles", "--user-install"],...
After installation I have an error: > Undefined variable: errors (View: /home/dvlasov/projects/project.loc/vendor/tsawler/laravel-filemanager/src/views/index.blade.php)