
Results 8 comments of nevahid

hi there. i guess it's too late, but i'm curious if you managed to solve it! i faced same problem here, so i thought it would be ok if i...

Yup... sooo late... time really flies... :-) thank you anyway...

hi, i'm still having problem working with newer versions... please help..............

hi again... thanks for your response... your code works just fine... i'm trying to continue working on it... thanks again

why do i get this warning? p5.min.js:3 You must first call texture() before using vertex() with image based u and v coordinates many of it, repeatedly... consuming a lot

thanks a lot! after some modifications suggested by you, i got it working... and it seems mySketch.js should be loaded in body tag... don't know why, but it is working...

@vajpeters did you find any solution for this problem? i can't make any use of HUD, it seems the problem is about this style thing... thanks in advance...

i found out that on issue #17 there has been some progress on multi kinects! but it seems it has not been release yet and it is so frustrating! :-(...