DNN_NeuroSim_V1.1 copied to clipboard
NEW model for VGG16 to ask
Sorry to take your precious time to solve my problem.
This project is very practical and I am very interested in it. After reading your user manual, I found that the memory utilization of VGG16 is better than VGG8. I want to do a test based on imagenet.
Would you mind to open source VGG16 model? This will help me a lot.
Thanks so much!
Unfortunately, we are working on other critical things (such as improving the iteration time from our side), so we don't have time to fix this. However, you can fix it yourself if you feel adventurous. I will review any PR that gets pushed! It was never tested on 2021 so this isn't surprising.
Checking it on latest unity version, and it seems to work fine. Can you give some details like OS, specific unity version etc?
Yea, I'm on a 2019 MacBook Pro with 64gb memory with macOS Big Sur Ver 11.5.2 (latest) and Unity 2021.1.20f1 Personal.
Just did a fresh run of my game with IEP Enabled and here are my results.
EditorIterationData_JSONforChrometrace_09232021_112100.json.zip Here is a zip of the exported JSON for Chrome://tracing which does work
I see, unfortunately didn't test it out on OSX, not sure why it won't render anything :(
The screenshot doesn't seem to open, probably didn't have time to upload
Thanks for the zip, yeah it should be rendering things, but it's not... again not really sure why, wondering if older unity versions have the same issue
Screen Shot 2021-09-23 at 11.18.20 AM.zip Here's a zip file on the PNG screenshot. Perhaps EIP uses old GUI that's not just deprecated but removed now.
I'm hitting the same issue on Unity 2019.4.21f (OSX 10.15.6).
Same issue on Unity 2020.3.13f1 (OSX 11.6). No text in the window, but I see the arrows, and EIP can export the data to HTML and CSV just fine. It's a pretty big issue for usability, though. I ended up having to just use the Unity Profiler itself to capture iteration events.