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Benchmark framework of compute-in-memory based accelerators for deep neural network (inference engine focused)

DNN+NeuroSim V1.1

The DNN+NeuroSim framework was developed by Prof. Shimeng Yu's group (Georgia Institute of Technology). The model is made publicly available on a non-commercial basis. Copyright of the model is maintained by the developers, and the model is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International Public License

This is the released version 1.1 (Dec 06, 2019) for the tool, and this version has improved following inference engine estimation:

1. In sub-array, use linear-region transistor in MUX, Switch Matrix and across-transistor in array.
2. Separate column delay in ADC, for array initialization during read.
3. Improve buffer design: use multi-core architecture in buffer, to improve parallelism
4. Use low-swing IC (H-tree and Bus): save data transfer energy
5. Calibrate FinFET technology library (<20nm)

This version has also added new features into inference accuracy estimation:

1. Introduce On/Off ratio of synaptic device
2. Introduce data retention effect of synaptic device
3. Introduce conductance variation of synaptic device
4. Introduce partial-sum quantization effects into ADC

For improved version of inference engine with more design options, please visit released V1.2 DNN+NeuroSim V1.2 and V1.3 DNN+NeuroSim V1.3

For estimation of on-chip training accelerators, please visit released V2.1 DNN+NeuroSim V2.1

In Pytorch/Tensorflow wrapper, users are able to define network structures, precision of synaptic weight and neural activation. With the integrated NeuroSim which takes real traces from wrapper, the framework can support hierarchical organization from device level to circuit level, to chip level and to algorithm level, enabling instruction-accurate evaluation on both accuracy and hardware performance of inference.

Developers: Xiaochen Peng, Shanshi Huang.

This research is supported by NSF CAREER award, NSF/SRC E2CDA program, and ASCENT, one of the SRC/DARPA JUMP centers.

If you use the tool or adapt the tool in your work or publication, you are required to cite the following reference:

X. Peng, S. Huang, Y. Luo, X. Sun and S. Yu, ※DNN+NeuroSim: An End-to-End Benchmarking Framework for Compute-in-Memory Accelerators with Versatile Device Technologies, § IEEE International Electron Devices Meeting (IEDM), 2019.

The default example is 8-bit VGG-8 for CIFAR-10 in this framework.

If you have logistic questions or comments on the model, please contact Prof. Shimeng Yu, and if you have technical questions or comments, please contact Xiaochen Peng or Shanshi Huang.

File lists

  1. Manual: Documents/DNN NeuroSim V1.1 Manual.pdf
  2. DNN_NeuroSim wrapped by Pytorch: 'Inference_pytorch'
  3. NeuroSim under Pytorch Inference: 'Inference_pytorch/NeuroSIM'

Installation steps (Linux)

  1. Get the tool from GitHub
git clone https://github.com/neurosim/DNN_NeuroSim_V1.1.git
  1. Train the network to get the model for inference

  2. Compile the NeuroSim codes

  1. Run Pytorch/Tensorflow wrapper (integrated with NeuroSim)

For the usage of this tool, please refer to the manual.

References related to this tool

  1. X. Peng, S. Huang, Y. Luo, X. Sun and S. Yu, ※DNN+NeuroSim: An End-to-End Benchmarking Framework for Compute-in-Memory Accelerators with Versatile Device Technologies, § IEEE International Electron Devices Meeting (IEDM), 2019.
  2. X. Peng, R. Liu, S. Yu, ※Optimizing weight mapping and data flow for convolutional neural networks on RRAM based processing-in-memory architecture, § IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 2019.
  3. P.-Y. Chen, S. Yu, ※Technological benchmark of analog synaptic devices for neuro-inspired architectures, § IEEE Design & Test, 2019.
  4. P.-Y. Chen, X. Peng, S. Yu, ※NeuroSim: A circuit-level macro model for benchmarking neuro-inspired architectures in online learning, § IEEE Trans. CAD, 2018.
  5. X. Sun, S. Yin, X. Peng, R. Liu, J.-S. Seo, S. Yu, ※XNOR-RRAM: A scalable and parallel resistive synaptic architecture for binary neural networks,§ ACM/IEEE Design, Automation & Test in Europe Conference (DATE), 2018.
  6. P.-Y. Chen, X. Peng, S. Yu, ※NeuroSim+: An integrated device-to-algorithm framework for benchmarking synaptic devices and array architectures, § IEEE International Electron Devices Meeting (IEDM), 2017.
  7. P.-Y. Chen, S. Yu, ※Partition SRAM and RRAM based synaptic arrays for neuro-inspired computing,§ IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), 2016.
  8. P.-Y. Chen, D. Kadetotad, Z. Xu, A. Mohanty, B. Lin, J. Ye, S. Vrudhula, J.-S. Seo, Y. Cao, S. Yu, ※Technology-design co-optimization of resistive cross-point array for accelerating learning algorithms on chip,§ IEEE Design, Automation & Test in Europe (DATE), 2015.
  9. S. Wu, et al., ※Training and inference with integers in deep neural networks,§ arXiv: 1802.04680, 2018.
  10. github.com/boluoweifenda/WAGE
  11. github.com/stevenygd/WAGE.pytorch
  12. github.com/aaron-xichen/pytorch-playground