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Knowing what you know - Bayesian brain parcellation
Knowing what you know - Bayesian Neural Network for brain parcellation and uncertainty estimation
Paper, code, and model corresponding to preprint, which is now published.
Figure: In-site segmentation results for the spike-and-slab dropout (SSD) network for a test subject with average Dice performance. The columns show, respectively, the structural image used as input, the FreeSurfer segmentation used as a prediction target, the prediction made by our network, the voxels where there was a mismatch between prediction and target, and the prediction uncertainty at each voxel.
To run using singularity, first pull the image:
singularity pull docker://neuronets/kwyk:latest-gpu
You have a few options when running the image. To see them call help.
singularity run -B $(pwd):/data -W /data --nv kwyk_latest-gpu.sif --help
The models correspond to:
- Spike-and-slab dropout (bvwn_multi_prior)
- MC Bernoulli dropout (bwn_multi)
- MAP (bwn)
Here is an example with the spike and slab dropout.
singularity run -B $(pwd):/data -W /data --nv kwyk_latest-gpu.sif -m bvwn_multi_prior -n 2 \
--save-variance --save-entropy T1_001.nii.gz output
Note: If you already have FREESURFER
environment variables in your shell, these may interfere with the ones inside the container. To isolate the container further please add the -e
flag at the beginning (singularity run -e ...
) to suppress any environment variables from being pulled into the container.
This will generate two sets of files outputT1_001_*.nii.gz
and outputT1_001_*_orig.nii.gz
. The first set consists of results in conformed FreeSurfer space. The second set will correspond to the original input space.
: This file contains the labels -
: This file contains the variance in labeling over multiple samplings. -
: This file contains the estimated entropy at each voxel. -
: A json file that contains the average uncertainty of the input.
If output files exist, the program will overwrite them only if the option --overwrite yes
is given.
You can pass more than one input file to the container. the output will be saved with prefix
added to input filename.
singularity run -B $(pwd):/data -W /data --nv kwyk_latest-gpu.sif -m bvwn_multi_prior -n 2 \
--save-variance --save-entropy path/to/T1_001.nii.gz path/to/T2_001.nii.gz output
If the input files share the same file path pattern such as bids format, the --base
option removes parts of infile path and creates a new folder to save all outputs there.
singularity run -B $(pwd):/data -W /data --nv kwyk_latest-gpu.sif -m bvwn_multi_prior -n 2 \
--save-variance --save-entropy --base /path/to/location/bidsdataset/ /path/to/location/bidsdataset/sub-1/anat/T1.nii.gz output
In case of multiple input files
singularity run -B $(pwd):/data -W /data --nv kwyk_latest-gpu.sif -m bvwn_multi_prior -n 2 \
--save-variance --save-entropy --base /path/to/location/bidsdataset/ /path/to/location/bidsdataset/sub-1/anat/T1.nii.gz /path/to/location/bidsdataset/sub-2/anat/T1.nii.gz output
Docker usage example
Instead of singularity with GPU, once can also use docker directly. This is an example with a CPU. Note that the CPU-based run is significantly slower.
docker run -it --rm -v $(pwd):/data neuronets/kwyk:latest-cpu -m bvwn_multi_prior \
--save-entropy T1_001.nii.gz output
The above examples assume there is a file named T1_001.nii.gz
in $(pwd)
Docker hub tags
The docker hub tags follow the following naming scheme:
: gpu version of current github master -
: gpu version of latest release -
: gpu version of semantically versioned release
for cpu
versions replace gpu
with cpu
This model is based on an earlier version of the nobrainer framework. This repository will be updated when the code is transitioned to the new model.