Justin Kiggins
Justin Kiggins
ooo, awesome. I'll check it out soon
@alisterburt I have no idea... when I was working on the CITATION.cff stuff, I was just pulling from zenodo.
FYI the link above to the bitbucket issue is offline
best approach here IMO would be to defer to the experts at NIF like @tgbugs https://bioportal.bioontology.org/ontologies/NIFSTD
@oruebel would it be reasonable to request that it takes any iterable?
in general, broader support for duck typing in pynwb would make the package way more user friendly
thanks @hglee98 :D I'll try to take a look soon
Sorry for missing this issue, folks! Happy to look into it. It looks like @gausseuler60 ran into this on Windows w/ Python 3.6... what are others running?
+1 to @richa's comment. I'll add two thoughts on (1): - we should check to see if there are file formats that napari plugin devs have specified that are NOT...
> I'd say there's a sufficient number there to mean we want to maintain our own listing of formats (in addition to the bioformats list), so we need to come...