Xuanhong Chen

Results 16 comments of Xuanhong Chen

Training scripts are now available!

Turn off the mask, and print the results. From the training output, the training should be no problem. The problem may occur with the test code. There may be a...

Sent your ckpt to my email, i will check what has happend.

SimSwap is specified designed for 224 \times 224 face images, which means it suffers visually degredation when applied to the high resolution images, e.g., 1024*1024. Actually, we are solving this...

This is not a fusion problem. This is a corner case of simswap. The simplest solution is to retrain the model with larger identity weight.

Hi, guys, we encourage you to read readme carefully.

--Gdeep True or FALSE the option is designed to optionally add one downscaling layer and a upsampling layer. This design is to increase the receptive field of the backbone when...

Thank you for your very suggestive issue. Can you be sure that these issues are related to arcface's model? In fact, most of the data in VGGFace2 are Western faces,...

The main part of new available training scripts have no relationship with insightface respo. Only the face detection function depend on insightface. Face detection is only performed when processing the...