Dipendra Neupane
Dipendra Neupane
Simple countdown timer created with HTML, CSS and Javscript
#### Expected behavior The app must be stable on clicking the pick ringtone option after picking a ringtone first. #### Actual behavior But the app crashes on clicking the "Pick...
#### Expected behavior On rotating the screen we should be able to remain on same page of the appication and view the search results. #### Actual behavior But when you...
#### Expected behavior I should be able to view and select the predictions for the word on enabling the predictions. #### Actual behavior But the predictions are invisible on the...
Please add license to the repo.
#### Expected behavior The app must be stable during screen rotation during DAB search of radio stations. #### Actual behavior But the app crashes on rotating the screen during DAB...
#### Expected behavior The app must be stable on adding large video file attachment and I should be able to add any video attachment to the notes. #### Actual behavior...