Martin Friedrich
Martin Friedrich
i would also be happy to donate maybe you could take a look into github sponsors @dmacvicar
@dmacvicar happy to sponsor CI runners. feel free to contact me so we can talk about your requirements
hello @vitorgalvao i recently joined the mandelbulber2 project and will focos on CI/CD and macos stuff. Would be happy to talk with you about the issue You can find me...
thanks for your help, i will try to get this fixed as soon my job grants me some spare time
Confirmed to be still broken on [virtio-win-0.1.229-1/](
ive applied xattr to load the unsigned binary, but that fails due an invalid signature of /Applications/ resigning locally does not work too codesign --force --deep --sign - /Applications/ /Applications/
Duplicate of #829
awesome, thanks for the fast response looking forward to test it
i currently try to get it compiled on big sur any suggestion how i can fix the missing QT: Multimedia issue?
tried it with qt creator, checking the macos buildscripts most progress i made was with cmake but that fails also, i think i will give up building it on an...