Spencer Schoeben
Spencer Schoeben
any plans to finalize this and get it merged in?
yes! documentation would be very helpful
This is very very helpful. Thank you, Adam! Spencer Schoeben
It still doesn't seem to be working, unfortunately. Permission changes aren't taking effect. I get back a blank string. ``` Opening Realm file: /Users/spencer/Dropbox (Integral Studio)/My Stuff/wp_realm_sync/realm-object-server/f31b150ef0de1638337c49c431879f49/realm%3A%2F%2Frealm.integral.sh%3A9080%2Fyachty%2Fproduction Opening Realm file:...
any update on the status here? i would greatly benefit from this
i really need this. anyone wanna take on the project of building it out with me ?
I'm having similar distortions on iOS but I'm not using Bulma. I use Safari on iOS and Chrome on my desktop. I checked and the issue, at least for me,...