Everytime I run the command counsel-ag, emacs reports the following error message: Error in post-command-hook (icomplete-post-command-hook): (wrong-number-of-arguments (((ag-prompt) (extra-ag-args) (initial-directory) (initial-input) smex-ido-cache info-lookup-mode t) (string) (counsel-ag-function string counsel-ag-base-command extra-ag-args)) 3)
Cant see where is fringe.
It seems that sentence is not well supported now in go-mode. It fallbacks to paragraph. Currently I set `sentence-end` to `"\\(?:[]{});\"]\\|\\sw\\|\\s-\\)$"`, which works for most cases.
When I run eglot, it turn on eglot--managed-mode for all opened buffers. It takes too long time because there are more than 200 buffers. Is it possible to turn on...
error message: ``` condition-case: Company: backend company-capf error "Assertion failed: (memq pfield (yas--snippet-fields psnippet))" with args (post-completion RPCMsg) ``` elisp backstrace: ``` Debugger entered--Lisp error: (cl-assertion-failed ((memq pfield (yas--snippet-fields psnippet))...
单独按shift切换是正常的, 但是经常遇到shift+其他按键组合也会切换中英文, 比如用shift加字母来输入大写, 也会切换中英文, 出现频率非常高, 非常不方便, 请问有什么解决办法吗?