Maybe it is related to content of .gitignore in subdirectory? I have a .gitignore file in a subdirectory with content as following: ``` /web_files /web_files-* ``` Ag doesn't ignore files...
How about defining a quit command in the communication protocol with the libclang process?
I have used irony-mode for more than 2 years. Thank you very much. I like the completion style of company-irony and company-irony-c-headers and I'm missing them when using cquery. LSP...
It seems that whether the cache is enabled or not, the issue happens. Now I think it is bug of company-mode. It only compares the current point with the saved...
I think it doesn't, because it depends on binfmt_misc on linux.
你就知道github? Too young, too naive. 你不知道中国人加班多业余时间少? 你不是中国人?
This seems like another issue: https://github.com/company-mode/company-mode/issues/806 For example, in a function, I want to declare a variable and I'm typing its name. In this case, `company-lsp` will not give any...
Yes, that is the reason why I put them in a group. But then, there are many duplicated candinates, one from company-lsp with annotation and one from company-dabbrev-code with no...
> Try `(company-lsp company-dabbrev-code :separate)`. You won't need the transformer in this case. I'm using ```(company-capf company-dabbrev-code :separate)```, and set ```company-minimum-prefix-length``` to 3. It seems that ```company-minimum-prefix-length``` doesn't affect company-dabbrev-code...
Yes. It seems that code completion becomes more complicated since language server was used.