I have only used language server for python(pyls) for one month. It didn't work very well. So I had to group them together. I have not used other language server...
Yes. When icomplete-mode is disabled, the error message disappears. But there is no completion when I run commands like discribe-function.
But I'm using ido commands with no error messages while the icomplete-mode is on. Does ido internally run like in your code snippet?
Then what about helm-mode? I'm also using helm commands(helm-buffers-list, helm-imenu ...) together with ido and icomplete.
> @netjune, how do you end up with that 200 buffers? > > * If you use `desktop-save-mode`, then customizing `desktop-restore-eager` might be the solution. > * If you opened...
Current I have defined a function my-eglot-try-to-enable and setup a timer to run it repeatedly every 1 second. It checks and try to turn on eglot for the current buffer....
Yes. It can be reproduced from emacs -Q. I have packed all elisp files and snippet, and uploaded it to 1. download the above file 2. extract the file...
I have tested company-irony(a backend of company-mode for c/c++ mode). And it supports this usecase well.
>I think 3 `package-install`s would have sufficed since all the three packages are in GNU ELPA I have hardly used package-install. So I forgot it when reporting the issue. Yes,...
>Just remember it's the simplest (and quite effective) means of installing packages in Emacs. OK. I will do it next time.