Michael Rausch
Michael Rausch
Thanks a lot. Now it works for me with receiving on Firefox again.
@Kmotr if Sofar branded fw is ok, then I can provide you some LSW§ or LSW5 images...
Hope it helps... [LSW3_15_270A_1.72.bin.txt](https://github.com/user-attachments/files/16922478/LSW3_15_270A_1.72.bin.txt) You can download old (Solarman, before migration to Solis cloud) Solis stick images at [MW3_15_0501_1.24.bin]( , please also check https://github.com/dasrecht/deye-firmware/ . I have some other images...
The LSW-3 (or wifi sticks in general) seem to not mutex the RS485 bus in this multi master setup, so Modbus frames from the logger itself querying the inverter resp...