Søren Mortensen

Results 13 issues of Søren Mortensen

#47 implemented awareness of parent workspaces when running `cargo bundle`. It seems not to work, though, when the parent workspace is also a project of its own - e.g. `foo`...

I find myself not being able to copy text some of the time from inside Alacritty. I have the following keybindings in `~/.config/alacritty/alacritty.yml`: ```yaml key_bindings: - { key: Key3, mods:...

B - bug
H - linux
DS - X11

### What Operating System(s) are you seeing this problem on? Linux X11, macOS ### WezTerm version 20220101-133340-7edc5b5a ### Did you try the latest nightly build to see if the issue...


On the first phase of the initial setup wizard, at least for a custom IMAP account, the email field doesn't highlight with a blue border around it like the other...

I noticed once I'd set this up that when I only had hints, no space was being added after the status symbol: ![Hint With No Space](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/13041332/109642165-87bc6800-7b4a-11eb-8b63-111693f4e339.png) I expected to find...

If I run `cargo test` on my app that uses ructe, I see the following failure. It looks like the generated `_utils.rs` file contains a code example that fails when...

A type with a generic type annotation is not handled correctly (the generic type is not recognised). For example: ```swift struct STError: Error, CustomStringConvertible { // ... } ``` produces...

A class that conforms to a single protocol only and does not inherit is assumed to inherit from the protocol, which is assumed to be a class. For example: ```swift...

I notice that in a few places within the `playground-utils-ffi` crate, calls to `expect()` are made, and within `xi-ffi`, several calls to `assert!()` are made. As far as I understand,...

## Motivation I'm working on an implementation of `Subscriber` that needs to be able to store (in a form as close as possible to the original) the inputs to its...