Taylor Ermolov
Taylor Ermolov
How can I use it?
@Meakk I would like to visualize them in the same view because they're related, e.g. multiple components for the same part generated by a CAD system.
My team and I are considering working on this very shortly!
In a custom previous project of mine I used `|@` and `@|` as delimiters and they worked well and didn't clash at all with LaTeX. I'm having trouble getting any...
The defaults also clash with LaTeX when editing, constantly get `You can't use 'macro parameter character #' in internal vertical mode.` as an error when compiling, Makes updating template files...
Oh turns out I just didn't spell delimiter correctly, sorry about that. Thank you!
@shmibs could you share the script you used to reproduce this?
What theme/plugin is this pertaining to specifically?
I can reproduce this issue on OnePlus 3T, android 8.1 and Xposed 90-beta3 (sc and scadaway versions are the same)
xposed log: https://hastebin.com/yufeqinaru