Jay Elaraj
Jay Elaraj
I posted the same request back in 2018 for a `bubble` modifier, but it was rejected as syntax sugar: https://github.com/vuejs/vue/issues/7965 In Svelte you can just do `` to [forward the...
Nope, I've never tested it with nested models so it might need some tweaking. That should probably be on my to-do list.
Ok, I worked a nested model into the example: https://github.com/nerdcave/rails-multistep-form/commit/891ffe124185d7eb533ab14724eefd5c01c0613f. Basically, a Product has_many :categories and accepts_nested_attributes_for :categories (would work just as well with a has_one). Category's name validates only...
@shamanime Nice catch, thanks! I'll have to give this some thought. Definitely a legit bug though.