Junhyuk Lee
Junhyuk Lee
I got this error too. I found why it happend. Because of [this line](https://github.com/florent37/SingleDateAndTimePicker/blob/bbcb6c1d99fd64eef4cd4998c16bc6908c225dfd/singledateandtimepicker/src/main/java/com/github/florent37/singledateandtimepicker/dialog/BottomSheetHelper.java#L40) Maybe you passed a context which is not an activity.
@openffchrome I just want to disable the sleep function. But I can't find an option about that on your application. I think you know an address of the sleep function...
@master-atul Ah I see. But when I use hot loading in CRA project, the root component is function based and the hot loading is working well. Does your hot loading...