Mh, strange. Doesn't work for me. Prior to your steps I get this error: ``` txt While processing files with nathantreid:css-modules (for target web.browser): native: ENOENT: no such file or...
Causes SIGSEGV. If I remove the package it runs well. Re-adding causes SIGSEGV. Can't figure out how to look at the dump unfortunately. _Setup: Meteor `` on Ubuntu `16.04`, `nvm`...
Doesn't work for me, even when cloning from GitHub. Still SIGSEGV.
@nathantreid - any word if this will fix? If not, can you recommend an alternative?
Maybe related to
Yes, I think it's still occurring for me. I rebuilt the node-sass package using [these commands]( I commented the `nathantreid:css-modules` line, started the meteor app, everything is fine (except no...
Oh, I in fact hadn't. Unfortunately, it still throws the same error when prefixing it accordingly.
Can report another reproduction on Ubuntu 16.04, node 6.8.1, typings 1.4.0... After about half an hour I get the following ouput: ``` txt typings WARN badlocation "github:mattiamanzati/typings-material-ui" is mutable and...
@senechaux Thanks for your effort. I've just merged the master into my repo again – if that is good to go I'd be happy to use this PR; if it...
Also ran into this issue now. Since there is so little activity on this, wouldn't it be better to just merge this feature as is, rather than not having it...