Leo Cheung

Results 8 issues of Leo Cheung

Just learning how to build ASP.NET core 2 project in repo pattern, but I wonder how's the models folder going on Web? I understand the entity model is goes to...

I am using the minimalWebcam.html and try to put the blink detection code from blink_detection.js. And had to override the handleTrackingResults (js\BRFv4DemoMinimalWebcam.js) However, it show: **Uncaught TypeError: brfManager.update is not...

在windows 上可以跑起來, 但在另新建maui 或 Xamarin form時就報錯. 求大神指引,SeetaFace6 原生的C++是否可以自行Build Android版本?

enhancement / 新增

測試下如以200張相片, 每張保持大約50KB的情況下,寫入SQLite是沒問題的, 但當去到比對時 執行到以下這句: `UserInfo userInfo = CacheManager.Instance.Get(faceRecognizer, extractData);` 程序會因為讀取巨大資料而Crash。

enhancement / 新增

I don't want to type so much word because I am very angry with this application. Very simple to reproduce, generate a new key file, use this, and save. You...

Type ◦ Bug

長時間沒維護,就應該封存起來。 程序本身不單止版本兼容問題,是跟本不完整。 在github 上很少見到那麼垃圾的開源項目,跟你的官網上所說的完全不是一回事。

VSCode setting "workbench.colorTheme": "SynthWave '84", "vscode_custom_css.imports": [ "file:///C:/Users/leocheung/Desktop/synthwave84.css" ], And the screenshot: ![Image 42](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/31003301/57820315-dacefa80-77be-11e9-8f00-5e4be492051a.png)

I would download the SE version and install PHP and J2EE development plugin, I wonder do the plugin will goes outside the netbeans portable folder (e.g. AppData), because I have...