Josué Acevedo (Neomatrix)
Josué Acevedo (Neomatrix)
to raise a server with target you can use
the myschema object is subsequently the one that receives the request query= """ { neomatrix{ nombre } } """ result = my_schema.execute(query)
If you want to have a web server that receives the requests, process them Diana.jl and return the data you can use, for example Merly.jl
therefore it could have something like: ```julia using Diana using Merly schema = Dict( "query" => "Query" ,"Query"=> Dict( "persona"=>Dict("tipo"=>"Persona") ,"neomatrix"=>Dict("tipo"=>"Persona") ) ,"Persona" => Dict( "edad"=>Dict("tipo"=>"Int") ,"nombre"=>Dict("tipo"=>"String") ) ) resolvers=Dict(...
At the moment Merly only supports http requests, but in future versions I plan to add more protocols
there is an implementation of merly for heroku that you can try Press the button ' Deploy to heroku' here I have a test of that application working
Any comments, questions or problems that may arise, you can create an issue and I will try to respond as soon as possible. see you later.
Great, that's a good idea. In the next version of Diana.jl I will create an application for heroku as a demonstration. Thanks for your comments.
try ```julia global my_schema ``` it's true http and https are different protocols
It's true, it's because of the macro. This solution works correctly. ```julia using Merly using Diana schema = Dict( "query" => "Query" ,"Query"=> Dict( "persona"=>Dict("tipo"=>"Persona") ,"neomatrix"=>Dict("tipo"=>"Persona") ) ,"Persona" => Dict(...