Jishnu Viswanath
Jishnu Viswanath
Supprt for polymer & Webcomponents: 1. Will work inside shadow dom if we pass shadow dom as 3rd argument. 2. This is set as document if nothing is passed 3....
I had to do `totalY = np.concatenate( totalY, axis=0 )` before doing `totalY = to_categorical(totalY, nb_classes=11)` https://github.com/erilyth/DeepLearning-Challenges/blob/2750a1c5f008c48f8c6c9c830ae892c399e73467/Sentiment_Analysis/demo.py#L33
There is a lot of goo.gl URL links in the readme. Since Google has shut down the URL shorner service the links will become inaccessible by April 2020. Need to...
Similar to basic but with two component libraries, one with react and the other with svelte (taken from with-svelte). Both are imported into web, docs Astro projects
In package json we have explicitly relying on generator-karma version 0.5. This creating conflicts with other generators like generator-angular-fullstack. Is there any explicit reason that we are relying on version...