> 设置use_beamsearch_decode = True时,它显示ValueError:t必须具有静态已知的等级。 > > 在主 > run_program(hparams,FLAGS)中的行755中的 > 文件“”,在运行程序 > logits中的行“”,行607 ,pred_outputs,loss,optimizer,dec_states = build_whole_model(hparams,char2numY输入,目标,dec_inputs,keep_prob_) > 文件“”,第385行,在build_whole_model > logits中,pred_outputs,dec_states = build_network(hparams,char2numY,inputs,dec_inputs,keep_prob_) > 文件“ seq2ED-seq_sleep”。 295,位于build_network编码器状态 >...
> 您收到此消息是因为您创建了线程。直接回复此电子邮件,在GitHub上查看或取消订 I also used the default parameters provided by the author, but the performance was also reduced by about 5%. Have you reached the results in the paper? thank...
> 嗨,为了获得相同的结果,您应该为我使用的超参数使用相同的值。问候,萨哈德 > […](#) > 于2020年5月25日星期一9:27 PM JUNILLHUH ***@***.***>写道:您好。我是韩国的研究生。我想得到相同结果的准确性:84.26%,卡伯系数:0.79。但是,更改时期数,更改batch_size,更改优化器类型,打开或关闭双向都会产生较低的结果。请给我一些建议。谢谢!—您收到此消息是因为您已订阅此线程。直接回复此电子邮件,在GitHub < [#9]( > 上查看,或取消订阅< >。 I don't know if you use your parameters, can you give your default parameters, because...
> > Dear Sajad: > > I have the same questions .I do the experiment with your code and hyperparameter many times ,but I can't get the same results as...
I'm glad you could tell me that you encountered a similar bug and I fixed the problem. The problem is caused by too few test results (0). Please make sure...