
Results 142 issues of nemobis

The v1 API will be discontinued in December 2019. h The new Sherpa/Romeo website avoids the colours to describe policies or publishers.

When reusing the description in certain places, like applications to some orgs, we realised that the the sentence is ambiguous, as it might appear that "detects... behind paywalls" might sound...

(I understand that [OpenIng]( will [work on a DSpace integration]( at some point, so this will become relevant. If not, feel free to close!) The [presentation about EasyDeposit2]( by the...

help wanted
back end

I deposited to I get: > TUprints contract required! > For every document, that you upload via Dissemin we need once a TUprints contract. Please fill in the...


[Works by USA federal employees are not covered by copyright](, hence no copyright can be transferred to publishers and the publishers' opinions don't matter. Several publishers acknowledge this and admit...

As much as I hate it, CC-BY-NC-ND is required for authors who opt to follow Elsevier policy when depositing an AAM: . We should list it in the dropdown...

Some papers were skipped or overzealous clusters were created. See issue #512

At Wikimania, Finn (@fnielsen) suggested that a useful list for him to extract would be the list of papers which should be deposited according to Dissemin, searching within the publications...

At Wikimania, Finn (@fnielsen) at found a few mistakes. In particular, it's odd that is listed as "couldbe" and "Full text: Unavailable" although the links include two PDFs...

fulltext availability

Does Dissemin get data about keywords/fields about papers, and if so how hard would it be to prefill the corresponding fields for the OSF deposit, which are mandatory? @stephno ,...

good first issue