Nemanja Stojanovic

Results 13 comments of Nemanja Stojanovic

Do you mean items in an array? Usually, you can achieve this with tracers although the API is maybe a bit clunky but it works. For example, for arrays, we...

Here's an example of solving the [Trapping Rain Water problem]( leveraging the 2 visualization states. ![trapping rain]( ```js const { Array2DTracer } = require("algorithm-visualizer") const heights = [0, 1, 0,...

I just noticed this comment is from early 2018 😂

@parkjs814 What might be a great feature is something like the [variable `watch` in Chrome Dev Tools]( We could attach the statements that change the data to renderers (i.e. mark...

We could also play with writing a babel plugin for the editor that hides away the tracers and leverages source maps to highlight the proper line

Hmmm, so I can see how having our own abstractions over language constructs like `Variable`, `Loop` etc would solve this. The tradeoff would be that we'd be introducing a minor...

Sounds good! For a multi-language approach we could try out [tree-sitter ]( (it's built by the Atom team @ Github) [Try out their playground here](

That looks interesting. I wanna mess around with it but def like it at first look

Thanks for the contribution @digiacom!

Hi @dydanajah1, can you share more info on how this change improves the content?