Mikulas Florek
Mikulas Florek
Since worlds can now be save in any folder, navzones and probes are also are also not in one place anymore. So they can get lost when world is moved...
Caused by SSAO ~~when temporal option is enabled~~
Make vectors and quaternions normal objects instead of arrays of numbers
1. set grass distance to 500 2. paint some grass 3. observe crash Note: job in `renderGrass` can access `GrassType::m_quads` while it is concurrently changed in `createGrass`
Lua modules (`require "module"`) are cached and hotreload does not work for them. Investiage what we can do about it.
1. open main.unv 2. start game 3. press any key 4. observe hierarchy UI in Studio showing `demo` entities in `main` folder