Nejc Habjan

Results 35 issues of Nejc Habjan

Thanks for the nifty little package @renanivo! I was wondering if it made sense to format parametrized tests, perhaps behind an opt-in flag/config option. For example: ```python @pytest.mark.parametrize("parameter", ["blue", "yellow",...

feature request

Continuation of #1846 and goes towards #1842.

We were probably silently catching a lot of `ValueError` and `TypeError` in these excepts so far, especially for `getboolean` and `getint`. Not sure if we should also handle that in...

Coming soon in 13.9 🚀 Automated releases are the best releases

In addition to that change, I think it makes sense to log (in DEBUG level) that a rate limit 429 has occurred, but IDK how the maintainers would like to...


Thanks @JohnVillalovos! Would it make sense to add another case to with endpoints that don't return `retry-after`, e.g. `user` as mentioned in the issue? Although this might need 14.8...


From discussion in The current docs are very config file-focused and that doesn't make that much sense any more. We should have an easy to maintain way of showing...


Shouldn't most objects be able to refresh for convenience? ```python project = gl.projects.create({...}) project.default_branch # None project.files.create( { "file_path": "README", "branch": "master", "content": "Initial content", "commit_message": "Initial commit", } )...

## Description of the problem, including code/CLI snippet There's a large percentage of issues opened that have nothing to do with `python-gitlab`, maybe a hint to attempt to reproduce it...

When hyperlinks are added in plantuml, ~~the server will call~~ the `/map/` service can be used to create image maps (see Image Map service `/plantuml/map/`,, also [plantuml-server code]( It...

:grey_question: question
👀 investigating