is there an option to make w-100-sm ? w-100-md ? for mobile and on desktop have normal btn for example ?
one nice feature will be if can be implemented subnavigation that you can scroll with mousewheel if there is more then screen-width have or just without scroll will be even...
Can be added something like that in the code ? ```css .table-sticky>thead>tr>th, .table-sticky>thead>tr>td { background: #009688; color: #fff; top: 0px; position: sticky; } .table-height { height: 320px; display: block; overflow:...
i notice floating inputs that are "big" (height) is possible to make input with floating labels that get small on select ? Example: like this just with border arround...
can you add for future hover class options like for button if you want to have **btn-secondary** and on hover color to **btn-primary** something like that: ```scss hover:btn-primary hover:btn-secondary hover:btn-{colorName}...
please add e-commerce icons like vouchers , cupons , barcode, billing order status (start pending complete canceled....) etc..
invoice offers transfer order tracking order shippment bills warehouse customer buyer seller company etc.. many already are there :) just for example
- How to disable "clear all logs" or put on permission for only few users to have this access
example: ` Bootstrap just now × See? Just like this. Bootstrap 2 seconds ago × Heads up, toasts will stack automatically `
Please make some resource icons for iron, wood, crops, clay, coal, steel, raw materials, engineer man, mechanic, doctor, solider,