Neil Pfeiffer
Neil Pfeiffer
### Summary Draft PR to demo the changes for accessibility with deployment link. --- ### Deployment Links - **Terra-Image** 1/ Meaningful Image: [./components/cerner-terra-core-docs/image/image]( 2/ Decorative Image: [./components/cerner-terra-core-docs/image/decorative-image]( 3/ Image...
### Summary Draft PR to demo the changes to support react-intl v5 with deployment link. --- ### Deployment Link - --- ### Do Not Merge --- For Demonstration Only...
### Summary Draft PR to demo the changes for accessibility with deployment link. --- ### Deployment Links - https://(build-is-broken) **Terra-Clinical-Header** 1/ Clinical-Header: [./components/terra-clinical-header/clinical-header] https://(build-is-broken) 2/ Accessibility Guide: [./components/terra-clinical-header/clinical-header/accessibility-guide] https://(build-is-broken) (need...
### Summary Draft PR to demo the changes to support react-intl v5 with deployment link. --- ### Deployment Link - --- ### Do Not Merge --- For Demonstration Only...
### Summary Draft PR to demo the changes to support react-intl v5 with deployment link. --- ### Deployment Link - --- ### Do Not Merge --- For Demonstration Only...
# Bug Report ## Description PR #1520 **[terra-date-time-picker] Add support for date-picker and time-input keyboard shortcuts** -- when completed contained a bug in the handling of keyboard shortcuts when incrementing/decrementing...
# Feature Request ## Description In current component `terra-application-links` used by the older/previous navigation component `terra-application-layout`, when more tabs appear than can fit visibly, Terra creates a "More" menu. The...
# Feature Request ## Description The skip-to links are a key part of accessibility features when users that use keyboard navigation to interact with websites and applications. An application built...