Hello, I'm running the WS281x (Neopixel) code on an RPi4, raspberry PiOS 64bit: pi@raspberrypi:~/neopixeltest $ uname -a Linux raspberrypi 5.10.92-v8+ #1514 SMP PREEMPT Mon Jan 17 17:39:38 GMT 2022 aarch64...
Hello, Is there a way to set the alt function of a gpio from within diozero? I'm trying to keep within diozero as much as possible without resorting to calling...
Hello, I'm writing an interface to a mipi camera and have written a c++ facade over the mipi driver to simplify the calling and then compiled this into a jar...
Hello, I've got the following use case: - The system starts up and MainInterpreter.setJepLibraryPath(jepPath) is called to set a jep library - A small python script is executed to check...
Hello, I'm very sorry to ask such a basic question but I need guidance. I've got currently in my angular.json for the build: ``` "build": { "builder": "@angular-devkit/build-angular:browser", "options": {...
Hello, I'm running a CM4 with libcamera; the libcamera apps can capture from both cameras using the command line apps. I'm now trying to capture from both cameras using picamera2...
Hello, I need to make a slight tweak to use the device path as the name of a USB camera and not the friendly name. I found where this is...
Hello, Sorry to post what may be a bug but I have an issue with the following code connecting to the onboard UART of a raspberry pi 3B+: ''' import...
UC 572
Hello, I've just installed this driver and plugged a UC-572 into a raspberry pi4. However I cannot see any activity with dmesg to see if anything is installed, no new...
Hello, I'm trying to work out if I can turn an LED on when a board is being flashed and turn it off when it has finished. I was thinking...