Nicholas Heller
Nicholas Heller
It was decided that these would not be used for the KiTS21 challenge due to quality issues, so we deleted the segmentations generated based on these for the small number...
Yes, our policy was to label the vessels up until the celiac trunk (superior) and down until the aortic bifurcation to the common iliac arteries (inferior). The last axial frame...
It looks like the details have been deleted. May I close the issue?
Please refer to the nnUNet Baseline model [here](
Regarding the origins, as far as I know they are arbitrary as long as they match in the corresponding segmentation files. Regarding the rest of the affine matrix in the...
No description of the issue seemed to come through. Is there a problem with the `get_imaging` script?
Have you cloned the repository and then run `python3 kits21/starter_code/`?
I think the issue is that you have omitted the `.` after `pip install -e`.
Please see #67
The starter code has many problems :) Among them is the fact that `scipy` has deprecated a lot (maybe all?) of the `misc` functions that I was using for visualization....