Eugen Biegler

Results 40 comments of Eugen Biegler

@solarmon check logs with sudo docker logs -f --tail 100 heplify-server

Hi @lminiero. Maybe you could directly jump to the 7.7 branch? Don't really know if it's ready for daily use yet maybe @lmangani can give you an eta.

@Revent the default max_locks_per_transaction setting in postgres might be to small so raise inside postgresql.conf max_locks_per_transaction like: max_locks_per_transaction = 512 You could mount a postgresql.conf with the setting above file...

Yip that would be even better. Mby via adv. settings?

Thank you Justine for all your great work! Let me loop in @ghettovoice since he is working on a sip stack aswell.

@ghettovoice because Justine didn't want let NASA know :laughing:

Hi Alex, can you please update the go.sum file?

Any news about including libpcap? Tried ykyuen fork and it worked!

@evilsocket did you try @ykyuen fork ? He added libpcap0.8-dev into the base image With his fork I was able to cross compile for mips64 ./xgo -ldflags='-linkmode external...