Eugen Biegler

Results 40 comments of Eugen Biegler

Good point, I will keep it in mind. I was just thinking out loud about a possible solution to this. There are more elegant ways especially when you use aws...

+1 modparam("corex", "alias_subdomains", "") and set_advertised_address with private variables would be quite convenient compared to using functions from rr module and xavp_via_params.

@subvillion mby you should add func (client *Client) SetSSLVerify(verify bool) error { ..... } and add some additional logic to make this configurable. Then you could do a pull request.

Currently you use msg.Destination() as the socket address here: This makes it hard to use an outbound address which is different than the domain address. Maybe func NewLayer( ip...

With that the send method can be extended with some logic to check if proxy != "" and so on...

Yeah that would be a way. Another way would be to use functional options Add ProxyAddr net.Addr to the layer struct and add a Proxy function which will return...

@ghettovoice will do it asap.

@lmangani can't reproduce. Just build latest heplify-server master and used a pg only docker container.

PG only means a docker container only for postgres. For example this one: