Benjamin Höglinger-Stelzer

Results 182 comments of Benjamin Höglinger-Stelzer

Love it when people hijack threads 👻

Never, as long as I'm doing this alone and fuelled by a donation every now and then, I don't own any ARM hardware and therefore have no interest or means...

I think my countless past efforts speak for themselves 😉 is there more I can read about this community and said efforts?

Good news to the two people possibly reading this: I got my first ARM64 device and will tinker with it soon 😄

So the ARM64 driver builds work fine but the distribution of a working setup will be tricky [as it appears that no official stable WiX with ARM64 support exists yet](

Ah, digging a bit through the related issues it's claimed that [WiX 3.14]( (a pre-release?) offers ARM64 support, will try to install that and see what happens 🤞

> Ah, digging a bit through the related issues it's claimed that [WiX 3.14]( (a pre-release?) offers ARM64 support, will try to install that and see what happens 🤞 Outdated...

Currently battling with CI to build the ARM64 components the setup depends on 🤞

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