Neel Smith

Results 6 issues of Neel Smith

**Application or Package Used** nteract Desktop **Describe the bug** Installing 0.21.0 on a Mac OS machine that has never previously had nteract does not create /usr/local/bin/nteract as was true for...


The Dash Julia User Guide at documents several components (e..g, Dash Bio, Dash DAQ Dash Cytoscape) that are not compatible with Dash.jl 1.x. (Although there's a current pull request...

The build at has only the README page, no docstrings.

I'm trying to include TopicModelsVB in a module built with Julia 1.6. I can use it and pass unit tests, but if I try to register the package with juliahub,...

The earliest date I can express is June 19, -418. June 18, -418 fails, as does any earlier date. June 20, -418 succeeds, as does any later date BCE or...

[Enter steps to reproduce:] 1. ... 2. ... **Atom**: 1.41.0 x64 **Electron**: 4.2.7 **OS**: Mac OS X 10.14.6 **Thrown From**: [rainbow-csv]( package 0.4.1 ### Stack Trace Uncaught TypeError: Failed to...