Neel Shah
Neel Shah
### ML-Crate Repository (Proposing new issue) :red_circle: **Project Title** : Next Word Prediction :red_circle: **Aim** : To predict the next word according to the data present and collected in our...
Added a blog for creating rapid droplets using digitalocean.
Added the linter.yml in workflows and updated the composer.
A Php Cloud Function for audio summary using [Deepgram API](
A Php Cloud Function to transcribe the video using [Deepgram API](
- search(): Searches Google Suite for files based on a given query. - get_file_by_id(): Gets a file by its ID. - get_file_content(): Gets the content of a file by its...
#3 Blog Link : email ID : [email protected]
## Added A github bot with python - [ ] My project tutorial topic has already been aproved by the Codédex team - [x] My project tutorial file renders properly...
1. Github Bot Automation - Medium
Here I a had attached the code in Image folder , in the code we first set the image and then using the random library we pass the white small...