
Results 17 issues of Sapphire

Hi, i am trying to run snippy on multiple genomes, however it gives following error like **Please supply a reference FASTA/GBK/EMBL file with **--reference**** even after providing the reference file....

Hi, I am getting this error, can you solve it ./ -f /home/bvs/neelam/phaster_scripts/test_data/NC_000907.fna.gz 2023-05-30 09:18:06,803 ERROR: Submission of /home/bvs/neelam/phaster_scripts/test_data/NC_000907.fna.gz failed! 2023-05-30 09:18:06,803 ERROR: We're sorry, but something went wrong (500)...

Hi, I am running panX tool for pangenome analysis and it create directory but output like json file and other are not there. What this mean. Please help me if...

Hi i am trying to run npm for panX visualization purpose and it giving following error. npm start > [email protected] start /home/neel@m95/Desktop/pan-genome-visualization > node ./bin/www DEPRECATED use /usr/lib/nodejs/path-to-regexp/index.js:167 return...

Hi, i am running cblaster and it didn't create .dmnd diamond, however it only create sqlite3 and fasta file. if anyone know anything please let me know. It will be...

Hi, i ran clinker on 10 gbk file and it give empty file. Thank you!

Hi, i am trying to run mlst_check and i am getting this error . could you please help me out? **get_sequence_type -s "Pseudomonas aeruginosa" *.fna** Can't locate Bio/ in @INC...